
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Iceland Flea Markets

Are next Flea Market search is off to Iceland. Who knows what we will find. We plan to take lots of pictures and videos

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just got the call from the History Channel for a test shoot for the show Picked Off, cross your fingers everyone.

Yardsale Mania #8

Box Lots At Auctions "Love Them"

I am always a sucker for the Dollar {$1} box that no one wants at the auction. It is like treasure hunting for me.

As the Auctioneer rattles off his cadence, starting High then getting to $1. "who will give me a dollar, who will give me a dollar, Dollar anyone, anyone, One dollar"

He looks around and just about as he is going to say no sale! I way my hand and snatch it up. Now the wonder begins. Do I own a box of garbage that other people have picked through all the good stuff and just did a "recycle" with the junk?

I say to myself, what do I have to lose, it's like buying a scratch off ticket.  Well, like gambling when you get lucky and find a sweet prize in that box of junk, it only makes you want to buy more boxes and take a chance.

This time I think I got lucky and over the years I have learned to look closer at the dollar  boxes.

My best find this weekend was this ES Lowe Chess set, it looks like Bakelite and sets are selling for $25 on line without the board.

So I just cleaned it up and I will let you know what happens.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cold Weather Flea Markets

Despite it being winter in January, this warmer weather on the east coast has helped most out-side vendors stay alive and keep making a living.
With most people going indoors for Flea Markets the mass shoppers that are your bread and butter buyers seem to fly south or start other hobbies.

For the next YouTube series I am planning a "How To Survive The Winter as A Vendor"

Just a few tips and tricks to pay the bills